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Court Grants 90-Day Stay for New Regulations

11-Hour Driving and 34-Hour Reset Provisions Continue for Minimum of 90 Days

On October 2, 2007, the D.C. Court of Appeals partially granted the ATA’s petition for a Stay, which allows the 11-hour driving and 34-hour reset provisions to continue in place. Rather than accepting the lengthy Stay requested by the ATA, the Court granted the stay for 90 days.

The current hope is that the FMCSA will be able to issue a rule-making during this timeframe in such a way to address the procedural issues raised by the Court in the Court’s original decision.

For now, RapidLog customers can continue using the existing software, and their drivers can continue to run under the existing regulations including 11-hour driving and 34-hour reset provisions through the end of December 2007 at the least.

Feel free to refer back to this website for additional information as it becomes available.
