How Do I Import a Driver List Into RapidLog?
File Format:
The driver import file must be saved as a CSV file and all fields must be quoted.
If a field is not used designate the field with a double quote “” (See below for all available fields).
Here is an example of what the CSV file should look like:
Import File with ID Number, Last Name, First Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Employment Type, and Hire Date:
“”,”1337″,””,”White”,”Walter”,””,”3828 Piermont Dr”,”Albuquerque”,”NM”,”87111″,””,””,”F”,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,”01/18/2009″,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””
“”,”420″,””,”Jesse”,”Pinkman”,””,”9809 Margo St”,”Albuquerque”,”NM”,”87104″,””,””,”P”,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,”03/14/2011″,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””
“”,”911″,””,”Schrader”,”Hank”,””,”4901 Cumbre Del Sur Ct”,”Albuquerque”,”NM”,”87111″,””,””,”F”,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,”04/09/2015″,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””,””
Download Template:
In this example my RapidLog setup will be like so:
- RapidLog Program Directory = C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog
- RapidLog Company Code = RLCOMPANY
- CSV File to Import = driver.csv
- Directory where the CSV file is saved = C:\temp
- Open CMD and change directory to your the RapidLog Program directory:
- cd “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog”
- Run Driver Sync program (DrSync.exe) against the company and file you want to import and how to match the records. This example shows matching by driver ID:
- DrSync.exe RLCOMPANY “C:\temp\driver.csv” ID
- After you execute the command you should see the letters I or U echoed. I stands for Imported U stands for Updated.
- On a brand new company if you see the letter u that means you have a duplicate driver ID. Find the duplicate and make the correction to your import file and re-import.
- If you are running this file to update existing drivers note that the import will take the information from your driver file and overwrite any existing data.
- After you have run the import open RapidLog and go to the Drivers page to verify the data that was imported looks good.
Order | Required | Field Name | Max Char Length | Notes |
1 | No | Tertiary ID Number | 15 | *This is required if ID Number is not used |
2 | Yes | ID Number | 15 | Must be unique. Alpha and numeric values accepted |
3 | No | Alternate ID Number | 15 | |
4 | Yes | Last Name | 100 | |
5 | Yes | First Name | 100 | |
6 | No | Middle Initial | 15 | |
7 | No | Address | 100 | |
8 | No | City | 100 | |
9 | No | State | 5 | |
10 | No | Zip | 10 | |
11 | No | Phone | 22 | |
12 | No | Alternate Phone | 22 | |
13 | Yes | Employee Type | 1 | F = Full time; P = Part time; I = Inactive ( F is default) |
14 | No | Group | 10 | Provides additional sorting of drivers for reports |
15 | Yes | Terminal Name | 40 | If NO exact match found, it will add a new terminal. The first 6 characters must be unique to each terminal. |
16 | No | Driver Manager | 40 | Matches via the Manager Code on the Company Page under the Driver Managers tab |
17 | No | Reply Address | 1 | T = Terminal; R = Region; C = Company (Used in Simple Letters) |
18 | No | Fuel Card Number | 25 | |
19 | No | Alt Fuel Card Number | 25 | |
20 | No | Driver License State and Number | 20 | |
21 | No | Driver License Notes | 20 | |
22 | No | Drivers License Expiration | 10 | MM/DD/YYYY |
23 | Yes | Hire Date | 10 | MM/DD/YYYY |
24 | No | Termination Date | 10 | MM/DD/YYYY (Leave blank if the driver is active) |
25 | No | Reserved | 0 | LEAVE THIS BLANK (“”,) |
26 | No | Birth Date | 10 | MM/DD/YYYY |
27 | No | Expiration Date 1 | 10 | MM/DD/YYYY |
28 | No | Expiration Date 2 | 10 | MM/DD/YYYY |
29 | No | Expiration Date 3 | 10 | MM/DD/YYYY |
30 | No | Expiration Date 4 | 10 | MM/DD/YYYY |
31 | No | Expiration Date 5 | 10 | MM/DD/YYYY |
32 | No | Expiration Date 6 | 10 | MM/DD/YYYY |
33 | No | Expiration Date 7 | 10 | MM/DD/YYYY |
34 | No | Expiration Date 8 | 10 | MM/DD/YYYY |
35 | No | Emergency Contact | 100 | |
36 | No | Emergency Contact Phone | 100 | |
37 | No | Email | 128 | |
38 | No | Exclude From GPS Audit | 1 | Optional. 1 = True; 0 = False (Typically not used) |
39 | No | Driving Type | 1 | Optional. R=Over the Road; L = Local; K=Occasional; R is Default |