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ELD Integration | Verizon Reveal


How to Import Verizon Reveal Data Into RapidLog.

Verizon Reveal:

  • Arguments:
    • /provider (VerizonReveal)
    • /companycode (RLCompany Code)
    • /username (VerizonReveal username)
    • /password (VerizonReveal password)
    • /appid (VerizonReveal App ID. Instructions on how to obtain this below.)
    • /driverid (Driver ID of a specific driver. Should be used with /from and /to flags)
    • /from (Date format yyyy-mm-dd)
    • /to (Date format yyyy-mm-dd)
    • /daysback (defaults to 1)

  • Advanced Arguments:
    • /debug 1
      • /debug 1 enables the debug files to be saved during the download. The debug files are saved in a set of directories under the folder the EobrDownloader.exe file is running in. \HOSDebug\
    • /ui 1
      • /ui 1 will make the GUI show but it will be loaded with the options specified in the Command Line parameters.
    • /fm 1
      • /fm 1 specifies that it will process the Form and Manner violations. These are only available for some of the downloaders
    • /pause 1
      • /pause 1 will cause the EobrDownloader.exe to pause before closing so the output can be observed after running.

  • C:\Windows\RL5.ini Settings (optional):
    • [Directories]
      EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data (Tip: Match this to your Data= line)
    • Note: if this does not exist the downloads will go to \RapidLog\Data\EobLogImport\CompanyCode

  • Example BAT File for All Companies and Providers (prefered method):
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\DownloadRunner.exe”
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\ForEachCompany.exe” RapidLog.exe [CompanyCode] -NewAudit HC -MI

  • Example BAT File for a Single Company and Provider:
    • “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\EobrDownloader.exe” /provider VerizonReveal /companycode MYRLCOMPANY /username VerizonRevealusername /password VerizonRevealpassword /appid VerizonRevealappid /daysback 8
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -L RapidLogFormat
      “C:\Program Files (x86)\RapidLog\RapidLog.exe” MYRLCOMPANY -NewAudit HC -MI

Obtaining the App ID:

Verizon Connect Reveal integration setup:
  1. Call Verizon’s customer care line.
  2. Request Account Integration which should send the case up to the App Dev group.
  3. Verizon’s App Dev team will then ok the integration and pass the details back down to Tier 1 support who will contact you with the details.  This usually takes 2 to 3 days.
  4. If this does not include a set of credentials for use by our downloader then request a new login/password pair for that.
  5. Provide RapidLog with the credentials so we can log in and create the needed App ID and register our app for that customer.
    1. The easiest way to do this is the start a Live Chat
    2. The App ID can be generated at:
      1. Full instructions at:
That should be all that is needed for use to get the downloader configured. However, depending on the App Dev group at Verizon there may be more involved to get it working. You may have to contact Verizon after generating the App ID to get them to unlock the HOS data request.


  1. Add the credentials for the ELD provider on the Company->Configure Download Page in RapidLog.
  2. Edit the Directories section in the C:\Windows\rl5.ini file by adding EobLogImportRoot=Your Data folder.
    • Example: EobLogImportRoot=C:\ProgramData\RapidLog\Data
  3. Open Notepad and setup the download, import and audit.  Save that file as a .bat file.
  4. Open Task Scheduler and schedule the .bat file to run once or twice daily.